[Foundation-l] Wolf Mountain MediaWiki Appliances Released

Domas Mituzas midom.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 23:09:28 UTC 2006


> What does this mean exactly?  Whose good?    Commerce is not evil,
> Wikipedia was born from it .... and is supported by it.

Um again.

> Wikipedia usage as a credible resource is the standard for measurement
> of its success.  If folks don't think its credible,
> or view it as a novelty, then it has failed.   Personal soapboxs  
> aside.

I don't see direct link between [automated] censorship and credibility.

> I can think of nothing more powerful than every person on the  
> planet one
> day owning their own personal wikipedia mirror.  Now that's freedom  
> to edit.

I somehow stay at the idea that there's more freedom, when you can  
edit wikipedia without owning a mirror. Unless you want to fork ;-)

> Food costs money, rent costs money, computers cost money, hosting  
> costs
> money, internet connectivity costs money -- the strings are that  
> Danny and
> Jimbo have to pay everyones bills to keep it going.

Now strings are defined by community, as community supports Wikipedia.
I'm not CFO, so I'm quite happy about that ;-)

And I'm happy if there's anyone else who would like to support  
without strings attached (especially on content), let it be some nice  
big foundation.

On the other hand, currently computers and hosting are enjoying  
economy of scale - we run quite efficient system, and cost to run  
personal mirror (cost per view) may be somewhat higher than the cost  
wmf is facing. This is where community joins and assists with keeping  
the site up.

> And I can back up what I promise with action and solid delivery  --  
> not hot
> air :-).

Well, it is really nice that wikipedia activities attract people who  
maintain the solid delivery!

> You have missed the point and I don't think understand my intentions.

Wikify the world? Intentions are clear, now the methods are not.
I guess concepts of distributed wikis might be better discussed at  
wikitech-l rather than foundation-l. There it would be really more on  

Domas Mituzas -- http://dammit.lt/ -- [[user:midom]]

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