[Foundation-l] Help requested on Commons copyright woes

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 12:31:53 UTC 2006

On 20/07/06, Angela <beesley at gmail.com> wrote:
> > * Flickr allows users to change the licenses on their images with no
> > external notice. So CC-BY or CC-BY-SA images uploaded to Commons might
> > later appear to be CC-BY-NC-ND or even "all rights reserved". This is
> > an increasing problem. Obviously Flickr needs a "history" tab, but
> > until then...? (current discussion at
> > http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Village_pump#Flickr_allows_license_changes
> > )
> The problem here is whether to trust the user who originally added a
> tag that no longer matches what is on flickr.

Deciding this issue case-by-case depending on the "trustworthiness" of
the original uploader doesn't seem very sensible to me, especially in
a far-knit community like Commons. Besides which, everyone can make a

> > I really feel distaste at the idea that the Foundation would avoid
> > involving itself in such questions in order to avoid legal
> > culpability.
> Has anyone said the avoid Foundation is refusing to answer questions
> for that reason? I'd assumed the problem was that no one knew the
> answers, not that they did but were purposefully withholding the
> information.

Well, it rather was suggested that (
http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/commons-l/2006-June/000278.html ),
but good point, I wrote this in a fairly assuming way. So, sorry for
that. Any and all attempted answers welcome.


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