[Foundation-l] Printed on Demand Books from Wikipedia articles

Volker Haas volker.haas at brainbot.com
Thu Jul 13 15:17:44 UTC 2006

Hi Jack,
thanks for your comment about the principle author list. We try to 
improve that.
Sorry for the inconvenience with the contact form - that bug is fixed.

-- Volker

Jack wrote:
> You may want to take the minor edit
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Minor_edit> flag into account when
> determining the "at least five of the principal authors of the
> Document".
> E.g. in the "USS Nautilus (SSN-571)" article in Tim Cruze's book "Big
> Science", "Furry" is listed as one of the principal authors, eventho
> user:Furry only made 2 minor edits on 2005-09-30 to the article
> (deleting a space and a full stop). user:The Epopt completely rewrote
> the article on 2004-01-05t23:52:26z, but is not listed as a principal
> author.
> Ignoring edits that were reverted <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:RV>
> would also improve the authors list.
> The contact form at <http://pediapress.com/contact/> is reporting "500
> - Internal Server Error" on send.

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