[Foundation-l] Cherokee Wikipedia Name Suggestion

Jeff V. Merkey jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com
Wed Jul 12 20:21:53 UTC 2006

For some reason the syllabary did not transmit, resending:

Editable general education /changeable general education:

??????? ??????

anedeloquasgv digaleyvsgv

"editing of the teachings"

????? ??????

vgatahvi digaleyvsgv

"editing of the knowledge"

collaborative general education :

????? ????? ?? ???

vgatahvi anotlvsgv ale gadugi

"making knowledge and working together"

(Note "ale" is often meant and used as "or" and not "and" in modern 
times, however, the 1800 dialects and Cherokee new testament use
"ale" instead of appending "tanv" to the end of words. Otali uses "tanv" 
at the end of words, but its more proper to use "ale" in context --
point of order -- ale can be dropped and infered as follows).

????? ????? ???

vgatahvi anotlvsgv gadugi

"making knowledge and working together"


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