[Foundation-l] Wikiversity - feedback

Michael R. Irwin michael_irwin at verizon.net
Thu Jul 6 08:53:30 UTC 2006

Cormac Lawler wrote:

>Believe me, I'm as
>anxious to get Wikiversity set up as you are, and as frustrated it's
>taken this long, but that doesn't change where we are or what we are
>doing - which is to develop and realise as clear and realistic a
>project as possible.
An interesting perspective.

Sometimes when pursuing parallel development of massive projects it 
helps to have additional effort applied.   It seems pretty clear that 
the cast of thousands has declined to nominate themselves for your 
committee's assessment and approval.   Perhaps we should consider 
getting the permanent wiki domain operational so those who wish to can 
begin contributing in ways other than committee chit chat or other 
leadership responsibilities.

We might even entice the occasional participant to participate in a 
policy discussion by mistake once in a great while.

As I recall your committee's charter it said something about energizing 
or activating Wikiversity effectively, nothing about designing it in 
detail before the participants show up and figure out what works to 
attract further effective participation.


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