[Foundation-l] Offering Wikibooks content for sale

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Wed Jul 5 16:24:29 UTC 2006

Brad Patrick wrote:

>On 7/5/06, Delirium <delirium at hackish.org> wrote:
>>Jimmy Wales wrote:
>>>The important message I want to give here: this is not an issue of the
>>>foundation versus the community, but rather about an individual versus
>>>both the community and the foundation.  We should have been told first,
>>>there should have been a discussion and some consideration given to a
>>>number of important factors.
>>I agree only in the very narrow case of the use of the trademarked name
>>"Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.", and possibly any logos if they were used.
>>I hope that was the complaint to Lula.
>>In the more general case, the entire *point* of the GFDL is that you
>>*don't* need the permission or approval of the original author to
>>republish in any form you see fit.  It might be nice to consult with
>>them, but we absolutely can not and should not prevent people from
>>unilaterally printing books.
>It would seem that it is not so narrow a case, since that is precisely the
Perhaps I was imprecise; I meant that I agree with his statement on the 
narrow *grounds* of trademark violation.  I was not sure if Jimmy's 
statement was intended to be that narrow, or to say something broader 
about how people should only publish Wikimedia Foundation materials 
after first telling the Foundation, participating in a discussion and 
giving consideration to a number of important factors.  That potential 
reading of the quoted paragraph is what I was disagreeing with.


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