[Foundation-l] Resignation

Angela beesley at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 18:03:42 UTC 2006

On 7/2/06, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thats a rather short time frame, considering the discussed plans to
> bring in some visionaries from the outside world.

I don't think two months to organise an election is too short. This is
about electing someone from the community, not about bringing
"visionaries from the outside world". Such people are more likely to
be appointed than elected, and that will take place separately.

> When was this decided?

It's been under discussion since I told the Board I was resigning on
June 2. An interim replacement was discussed, but there was no
agreement between the remaining active members of the Board (basically
Anthere and Jimbo) on who that should be, which is why my resignation
is now not effective until September rather than the original planned
date of July 1st.

> What if we're unable to have discussions with our proposed
> candidates by then?

You have two months to do that. The two previous elections didn't
allow any longer and I don't recall any problems with that timeframe.


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