[Foundation-l] Automatic username transliteration for SUL

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed Dec 27 09:55:16 UTC 2006

If we all sound like Stephen Hawking maybe the machine will guess that 
we are all geniuses. :-)


James Hare wrote:

>What I would like to know is how a machine will be able to deduce a
>pronounciation through a username.
>On 12/24/06, Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:
>>Neil Harris wrote:
>>>If we can make it as simple as that (and acknowledge that the automatic
>>>transliteration will often be very, very,  bad) we could possibly make
>>>this work, with the option to change your nick to something else later.
>>>Perhaps language -> IPA -> language might be a good way of helping the m
>>>x n problem for this, in which case we could use language <-> IPA tables
>>>to bootstrap this.
>>>Would this be a good idea, or would it be linguistic nonsense?
>>Probably linguistic nonsense.  Although it serves a very useful purpose
>>in conveying pronunciations, anly a limited community interested in
>>linguistics will be familiar with it.  For everybody else (which to be
>>fair must include the English speakers) it amounts to attaining equality
>>by putting everything into a common language which all will equally not
>>understand. :-)

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