[Foundation-l] Contributors vs Authors

George Herbert george.herbert at gmail.com
Wed Dec 27 02:54:28 UTC 2006

On 12/26/06, Andrew Whitworth <wknight8111 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> On en.wikibooks we are having some problems instituting an ownership
> policy
> (a local equivalent of [[WP:OWN]]). Some of the common arguments we are
> receiving are:
> 1. There is a qualitative distinction between "authors" and
> "contributors".
> Not all contributors can be listed as authors of a particular book
> (especially if the book is printed and distributed).
> 2. The history pages represent a "log", and do not constitute legal
> attribution
> 3. "Contributors" do not have the legal rights that "authors" do.
> None of us at en.wikibooks are lawyers, and frankly we don't know how to
> address these objections, or where to find the correct answers. Also,
> because books are distributed projects (spread across multiple pages), it
> is
> not uncommon on wikibooks for a book to have a list of authors somewhere.
> Are such lists appropriate?
> Any help in these questions would be much appreciated. --Andrew Whitworth

Can you let us know where the discussions are taking place?  I am not a
usual wikibooks participant, and didn't see any obvious subsection titles in
your "Staff Lounge".


-george william herbert
george.herbert at gmail.com

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