[Foundation-l] Throwing some data onto the flamefest fire (was: English Wikipedia ethnocentric policy affects other communities)

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 11:42:42 UTC 2006

David Gerard schreef:
> On 23/12/06, Luna <lunasantin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think we need to find a "middle road," if at all possible. System
>> transliteration seems to be the only such proposal -- if anybody else has
>> got any ideas, now's the time.
> Which is more useful on a given wiki:
> a) System transliteration into the script(s) of that wiki (which will
> apparently lead to tremendous offence to people not even using the
> wiki);
> b) Optionally append a user-ID number to the non-local script name,
> and have this user-ID work for blocks, log-checking, etc. (will
> apparently offend people who want to be "????????" rather than a
> number)
> c) Disallow both the above and require the usernames to be displayed
> in a script unreadable to the native speakers on that wiki (which will
> lead to near-automatic blocking as happens now, because you KNOW the
> vandals will exploit it big time)
> - d.
Your question negates the issue at hand. It is therefore only describes 
a part of the problem. The problem is that you refuse to address the 
issue by only talking in terms of English language Wikipedia.

Never mind .. 


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