[Foundation-l] Automatic username transliteration for SUL

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 16:10:23 UTC 2006

David Gerard schreef:
> On 21/12/06, Neil Harris <usenet at tonal.clara.co.uk> wrote:
>> And, as I keep on saying, the addition of the correct fonts to the
>> user's browser does not magically grant the ability to read or even
>> recognize characters in scripts that a reader is unused to. ("His name?
>> It's three little boxes, and in the boxes there are a lot of little
>> straight lines, apart from the ones that are like little hooks or
>> squares. In the leftmost box, there's a bit of a gap at the bottom left,
>> and then there's a sort of hooky bit hanging out at the right of the
>> middle box, which has a few less lines, and then...")
> Obviously, with SUL any en:wp editor who does not learn to read all
> other scripts used on Wikimedia is simply being a cultural
> imperialist.
> - d.
There is at the moment a big row brewing over the way the Internet 
insists on having URLs in Latin script. People who do not write in Latin 
have to use Latin to be able to use the Internet. This notion of being 
able to enter URLs in your own script is really intuitive. When this 
change is going to be implemented you will still be able to access the 
websites that will no longer be available with a Latin script.

It will be a big change when it happens, this issue raised about the 
insistence of the English language Wikipedia is a harbinger of many more 
issues that will come.


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