[Foundation-l] Sep11 Wiki/Partnership Message Removal/Mr. Wales Concerns

Anthony wikilegal at inbox.org
Tue Dec 19 18:11:29 UTC 2006

On 12/19/06, Jeffrey V. Merkey <jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com> wrote:
> I located a reference to a "partnership" on hosting the
> sep11.wikipedia.org website on one of my personal websites which
> referred to this project where
> WMG took over the hosting and server costs for the sep11.wikipedia.org
> domain for the Foundation.   This appears to be the source of the
> confusion on the part of folks about this topic.
> Mr. Wales has expressed concerns about our hosting of the
> sep11.wikipedia.org domain as request by Erik Moeller since
> it may create the impression of a "partnership" between WMF and WMG,
> which should be avoided.
> I am going to leave the site active for now, but I would suggest peraps
> wikia.com take over this task to avoid remove any discomfort on
> the part of Mr. Wales, or at a minimum, the stakeholders contact Wales
> and find out what his beef is with the decision.
Moving the site to wikia.com wouldn't solve the problem, it'd just
shift the problem from giving the impression of a "partnership" with
one company to another.

> I would ask that Erik Moeller check with Mr. Wales on whether we should
> continue to host this site or have wikia.com or one of
> the chapters take it over.
When I initially heard of the plan I didn't realize that the
sep11.wikipedia.org domain name was going to be redirected to
sep11memories.org.  That's the only part that I'd criticise.

sep11.wikipedia.org should be a simple page that says that the project
is no longer a Wikimedia project.  A link from there to
sep11memories.org (and/or any other appropriate sites) saying that the
content is still available there would be appropriate too, IMO.  But
this should be a click-through link, not an automatic redirect.


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