[Foundation-l] wikipedia.it

James Hare messedrocker at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 00:25:28 UTC 2006

In other news,


On 12/14/06, Utente:M7 (M/) <mario.m7 at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2006/12/15, Brad Patrick <bradp.wmf at gmail.com>:
> > we will do this - would an italian speaker translate this please and
> > post it back?
> >> Warning: you are acccesing
> >> Wikipedia through a non-endorsed website, please visit the real italian
> >> wikipedia at http://it.wikipedia.org
> ===========================
> Attenzione: stai accedendo a Wikipedia da un sito
> che usa un marchio di proprietà altrui senza autorizzazione.
> Per favore utilizza l'indirizzo ufficiale di Wikipedia
> http://it.wikipedia.org/
> ===========================
> Please note that this is a slightly improved version, endorsed also
> by Frieda and other Italian wikipedians.
> The meaning is:
> Warning: you are accessing Wikipedia through a site that is using
> a copyrighted trademark without permission.
> Please visit the official Wikipedia site at  http://it.wikipedia.org/
> --
> Ciao,
> M/
> [ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:M7 ]
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