[Foundation-l] [Wikichix-l] Moderating an open list

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 18:11:02 UTC 2006

2006/12/5, Puppy <puppy at killerchihuahua.com>:

> In fact, would you have said "as attacking *you* " if you had thought I
> was a man?

I can't really judge it, because the reasons that I used 'you' there are the
same as the reasons why I thought you were a woman. However, changes are I
would have, for the same or similar reason as before: in an environment
where of a large part of people I do not know what gender they have, and
where for the others there's only a nick to make a difference, I'm much less
likely to let gender factor in than in real life where I can see or hear the
gender of the person opposite me. The real danger in a Wikipedia context
would not be to treat men and women differently, but to treat all of them as
men rather than gender neutral.

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

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