[Foundation-l] Introducing a new mailing list

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 11:22:08 UTC 2006

Wow. I thought having an open but moderated list would be a good way
to go, but now I see it would just be impossible. Why the aggressive
resistance against an additional resource for women? Why is the idea
so threatening? How does it harm anyone? And how can anyone tell,
given its two-second existence?? Why not let it be for six months, and
then we might be able to comment with some substance on what the
effects of its existence actually are?

Women will continue to take part in the existing channels. Gender bias
and discrimination issues will continue to be relevant to the existing
channels. Given these facts, how is an additional channel

Credit where credit's due: thanks for your considered and thoughtful
responses goes to GerardM, Yann, Birgette SB, Anthere, Lars, Michael
Snow, and Tim Starling.

"There is no problem." Please. Have another bloody look at some of
responses in the foundation-l and wikien-l threads, and tell me you
seriously can't see why some women might feel uncomfortable
contributing. Tell me again why offering them a gentler introduction
to Wikimedia mailing lists is such a terrible idea.

Were I to even begin responding to each inappropriate comment or
unfounded assumption,  I would soon be doing not much else. And I am
reluctant to develop to reputation as a harpie on women's issues. It
is by far not the issue I am most interested in when it comes to
Wikimedia (but I am interested in a good many things).

Therefore I make a request to considerate and thoughtful men
everywhere, to help call attention to and discourage sexist attitudes
and assumptions expressed in Wikimedia wherever you find them. If you
find yourself hesitating to reply publicly because you don't want to
"feed the trolls", consider sending the author a private reply. We can
use peer pressure to let "bad apples" know that their attitudes are
not shared or welcome. But also consider what message will be
understood by list lurkers, by not replying at all.

Why do I address this call-to-arms to men? Because it's far harder to
be dismissive of a man calling sexism for what it is, and this job
falls to all of us, not just women.


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