[Foundation-l] Montenegrin request for new language wikipedia

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 2 22:38:49 UTC 2006

--- Milos Rancic <millosh at gmail.com> wrote:

> In short, there are two options:
> - to make Montenegrin Wikipedia; or
> - to make a conversion engine from Serbian, Croatian
> or Bosnian to
> Montenegrin variant.
> In this issue (which is related to political
> linguistics) the main
> problem are preferences. From Southren Serbia to
> Istria all people
> will perfectly understand each other if they are
> talking in their own
> standards (in general, Croatian standard is a little
> bit more distant
> then others). But, not so small amount of
> preferences makes
> differences between standard languages. Plus, very
> good knowledge of
> one standard means that you may talk with others,
> but doesn't mean
> that you may write in other standard (even I have a
> good Slavistic
> bacground, I have a lot of problems to write in
> Croatian standard).
> And everyone has right to:
> - call her/his language as (s)he wants;
> - to be educated in her/his native language.
> And Wikipedia is about those rights.

If this is about preferences how is different than all
the variations of English spoken in the world?  Each
variation has it's own standards etc.  And en.WP works
quite well settling out which variety would be used
for each article.  It is a bad idea to unnecessarily
divide reasources.  Do you not understand how
difficult it is to keep ontop of the basic
adminstrative tasks in a small wiki?  I think there
needs to strong definitive reasons  for creating a
subdomain.  If it is questionable don't create it.

Birgitte SB

Birgitte SB

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