[Foundation-l] Vandalism and small wikis

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Fri Dec 1 09:37:25 UTC 2006


Darko Bulatovic a écrit :
> Will we ask for it or talk here if we don't thing there is language 
> barrier? This started to look like philosophic question. We already get 
> proposal from Serbian community, also we wait from Croatian community 
> and Bosnian community. But for now there is no consensus between them. 
> If there ever be one we will participate.

If you really mean to participate in a common Wikipedia for all variant
of the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, then do it!
There is http://sh.wikipedia.org/ which is just meant for that.

See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbocroatian_language



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