[Foundation-l] [Election] Big season of translation, we have now close to 20 candidates!

Filip Maljkovic dungodung at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 22:01:51 UTC 2006

Guillaume Paumier wrote:
> Hello,
> On 8/29/06, geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:
>> No I'm pointing out that something that was advertised through
>> [[MediaWiki:Watchdetails]] ended up with more than 3 times as many
>> candidates and something that was advertised through banner ads on
>> every single project. This provides further evidence that
>> [[MediaWiki:Watchdetails]] is a perfectaly adiquate method for
>> advertising things.
> I deliberately put aside the debate on which notice should be used. I have
> my own point of view about this, but I don't have the time to split hairs.
> This said, I don't really understand how you can compare the Board election
> and the ArbCom one. We are talking about completely different positions.
> Being an arbitrator has nothing to do with being a Board member, so
> comparing the number of candidacies of these two elections seems completely
> irrelevant to me.
> g.
Besides, ArbCom is/was an en: only thing and Board election is pan-project.


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