[Foundation-l] Idea for New Wikimedia Project, possible adjunct to Wikiversity

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Mon Aug 28 16:38:14 UTC 2006

No Spam wrote:

><Virgil Ierubino Wrote:>
>>I already have a live version of this in use, at Cambridge University, so
>>I've already very thoroughly thought about the problems it could face, and
>>worked out (I believe) viable ways around them. For now I'd like to just
>>discuss the basic idea. The idea is clearer with a university example:
>In your current implementation, at Cambridge, are you witnessing any change 
>in behavior from note takers?
>I envision a moral hazard, or a kind-of prisoner's dilemma, manifested in 
>lazy students waiting for others to post notes.
>Then, eventually, note-takers catch on and stop posting...
>How's that playing out in your prototype setting?
It also needs to be remembered that in many instances the act of 
note-taking is a part of the learning process.  Reading notes does not 
have the same effect on the mind as actually writing them down where 
students will benefit from the notes even if they never review them 
again in the future.


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