[Foundation-l] How I should consider GFDL in shared content?

James Hare messedrocker at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 08:18:15 UTC 2006

Don't worry about it -- articles as transwikied from Wikipedia to Wiktionary
all the time.

To successfuly transwiki an article, you copy and paste the article to
Wiktionary, then copy the edit history from Wikipedia to the talk page of
the new page you made at Wiktionary. Then you list the transwiki at the
Transwiki Log on Wikipedia, then the fate of the Wikipedia version will be

Excuse me if I made it sound confusing -- feel free to ask for

On 8/28/06, valdelli at bluemail.ch <valdelli at bluemail.ch> wrote:
> I have a doubt. GFDL used by Wikipedia said that the content is free
> but "providing that its authors are attributed".
> In this case the history is strictly connected to the content. I
> could use content but I should have the related history.
> If I transfer an article from a project to another (i.e. from
> Wikipedia to Wikitionary) how I could respect this rule? The history
> is in the old article, I don't know a way to transfer also the
> history. The presence of a link in the new article linked to the old
> could be a good choice?
> If I transfer the content and I delete the article in the old
> position, what I could do in this case?
> Regards
> Ilario
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