[Foundation-l] Open question from an Election Official: on voters' elibiglity

Jeffrey V. Merkey jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com
Sun Aug 27 04:10:07 UTC 2006

Jeffrey V. Merkey wrote:

>Austin Hair wrote:
>>On 8/26/06, Anthere <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>As one of the list moderators, my finger is one inch away from the
>>>moderator button for you. The comment above is not really acceptable.
>>For those who've asked in the past weeks, this is another of the very
>>few codified reasons for moderation on this list: "incivility."  I
>>absolutely concur.
>>foundation-l mailing list
>>foundation-l at wikimedia.org
>Well, I won't be incivil here again. And I apologize for any outbursts. 
>I am after all, only human,
>as we all are.
>foundation-l mailing list
>foundation-l at wikimedia.org
And I am not going to try to vote in the election or raise any more 
stink about it. I have too much other important work to
do for our Wikipedia projects for language preservation for me to become 
embroiled in debates and fights which
are not focused on achieving this goal. I have several languages to 
save, and this task has nothing to do with elections,
Wikimedia administration, or any other internal issues. I also have 
significant resources and technical skills and I am
not dependent in any way on the Foundation or Wikia for hosting or 
support (in fact its the other way around). I do have
a need for collaboration on language projects and content and licensing 
and IP issues. My apologies to all involved for
loosing sight of this important task.


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