[Foundation-l] REMINDER: Skypecast - Messages for board members

Anthere Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 26 08:18:14 UTC 2006

Walter Vermeir wrote:
> Gregory Maxwell schreef:
>>Most of the Wikimania audio on the site
>>(http://wikimania2006.wikimedia.org/wiki/Archives) is only available
>>in MP3,  and the few vorbis files available that I've heard are very
>>low quality (due to transcoding a lower quality MP3 into a lower
>>quality Ogg).
> Most of these few Ogg Vorbis recordings there have I recorded. And the
> are the only recording availbel for some of the most interesting
> sessions like the "Wikimedia Foundation Board Panel" or "Wikimedia
> Foundation: building in diversity"

Which reminds me:

Walter have made ''an audio recording with fragments from talks from 
Wikimania who I believe can be interesting for candidates for the board. 
It is Jimbo and Anthere giving comments about this election, the current 
situation with the board and the future of the board.''

*http://tinyurl.com/rdnxu - Ogg Vorbis 11,9Mb 32min
*http://tinyurl.com/s2j66 - Webbased Player playing the same file


Actually, I somehow lost (?) the software which allowed me to read the 
ogg files, so I heard the second link.

I'll be interested in being recommanded a software to read the ogg file 
(which will be 1) free of charge and 2) for a macintosh).

Greg, can you help ?


> The are made from the RealMedia live-stream, played with gxine and
> recorded with Audacity  and exported to Ogg Vorbis on a gnu/linux
> computer powered with green electricity. The are not transcoded from mp3
> to Ogg Vrobis.
> So far I see on the list there are no transcoded recordings on the
> archive page. There are only mp3 recordings or Ogg Vorbis present, and
> not both for the same sessions.

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