[Foundation-l] REMINDER: Skypecast - Wikipedia Conversation from Florida

Walter Vermeir walter at wikipedia.be
Fri Aug 25 23:04:00 UTC 2006

Gregory Maxwell schreef:
> Most of the Wikimania audio on the site
> (http://wikimania2006.wikimedia.org/wiki/Archives) is only available
> in MP3,  and the few vorbis files available that I've heard are very
> low quality (due to transcoding a lower quality MP3 into a lower
> quality Ogg).

Most of these few Ogg Vorbis recordings there have I recorded. And the
are the only recording availbel for some of the most interesting
sessions like the "Wikimedia Foundation Board Panel" or "Wikimedia
Foundation: building in diversity"

The are made from the RealMedia live-stream, played with gxine and
recorded with Audacity  and exported to Ogg Vorbis on a gnu/linux
computer powered with green electricity. The are not transcoded from mp3
to Ogg Vrobis.

So far I see on the list there are no transcoded recordings on the
archive page. There are only mp3 recordings or Ogg Vorbis present, and
not both for the same sessions.

Contact: walter AT wikizine DOT org
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