[Foundation-l] REMINDER: Skypecast - Wikipedia Conversation from Florida

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 23:04:07 UTC 2006

On 8/25/06, Delphine Ménard <notafishz at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/25/06, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have made several request to obtain copies of the DV tapes for the
> > sessions that were video taped so that I could make Oggs of the high
> > resolution video and the uncompressed audio. I have offered to pay
> > duplication costs.  My requests have been ignored.
> I never saw any of those requests. And funnily, I am one of those who
> can grant access to those tapes.

I even asked you about it in person at Wikimania on Monday after the
conference was over. :-/ I understand that things were busy and
stressful.    I also followed up in email, right after the conference
to the email first mentioning collecting the tapes.  In any case,  I
understand now that someone has the tapes and is transfering them (and
encoding them as Theora, etc), so I am glad I asked.

> > How much money would you have required?
> > $10,000 to get all the audio and video from our sessions into
> > completely free formats for both archival and available live use?  I
> > could have gotten you that. No one asked.
> No-one proposed either.

The wikimania pages said it would be streamed early on... It wasn't
clear, at least to me, that it wasn't all well taken care of.

> >Kyle was standing the the
> > conference *offering* to record unrecorded sessions, I brought
> > microphones and recording gear (with the hopes of doing a wikimedia
> > choral session, but that didn't end up happening).. and no one could
> > confirm that we had *permission* to record the sessions.
> I must have missed that question too.
> It seems Austin did not either.
> Maybe you should update your address book.

I fail to see how updating my address book is going to improve
communications with people whom I was standing a few feet away from in
the Berkman center.  The argument is foolish.  Opportunities were
missed due to on person in particulars fault but due to the inevitable
result of everyone working at capacity.

I've complained less to criticise you or any of the other conference
staff, who did an impressive job in many regards, but rather more to
make sure people are aware that there are people who care enough to
complain, and thus there should be people you can call on to worry
about these matters in the future.

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