[Foundation-l] Wikimedia Foundation Website

effe iets anders effeietsanders at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 08:56:58 UTC 2006

I think that the most important thing now is to
*Define the goals of the Website
*Find out what are the consequeses for those goals
**>>  What pages fulfill those goals, what pages are missing that
should fulfill those goals
*Then take care of the pages that do *not* fulfill the goals. That can
be done in different ways:
-- Delete
-- Move to an Archive-Namespace
-- Move to Meta and delete on foundation-wiki. Remember that the links
should be adapted.
I think moving to meta might be best. You can do that with the
import-function, so history will remain intact. It would be best to
make an Archive WMF: namespace then, and protect those pages.
(Archives shouldn't be edited anymore), and categorize them nicely.
*When it is clear what should stay and what not, you can bring
structure in the whole by categories, trees, links, namechanges etc.
*When there is a structure, everything is easy to find, you can start
really translating what's nesessairy.

But we should start at the beginning. What is the goal of the website
of the Wikimedia Foundation? What is the intention? Should it inform
the press? Or is Meta a better place for that? Is it only for
official, approved, pieces? What about the reports? There is a press
report etc, all very tiny still. Is there planning to stay using those
in the future?
Should the foundation-website also be an archive to look things up, or
should it be a website just to inform about current things, things
that are now important. In other words: Should outdated stuff stay
there, or be moved?

This kind of questions should be answered in my opinion. And I think
it would be best if the Foundation itself could answer this. Maybe
Brad, Danny or someone of the Board? I know these are quite hard
questions to answer, but they should be, to be able to really make a
usefull website out of it.

Greetings, Lodewijk

2006/8/24, Guillaume Paumier <guillom.pom at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> On 8/23/06, effe iets anders <effeietsanders at gmail.com> wrote:
>  <snip>
> > This alltogether looks quite messy. And at the end, especially for a
> > foundation ''based'' on the internet, the website is a businesscard.
> > So enough reason to do something about it.
> >
> > Would it be an idea to make a team of people (not just one) who can
> > restructure the Wiki, categorize nicely, try to update, delete what is
> > unnessecairily (like the french version of the awards page: all empty
> > but the langbar) and coordinate with the translation-committee? It
> > should mostly be structural changes.
> >
> This is true, and Jd recently sent a mail on foundation-l about that [1].
> See also [2]. I think it is a good idea to set up a team dealing with
> cleaning the foundation wiki. Of course, this team must be multilingual to
> be efficient.
> If help if needed for translation, I'm sure you can ask on translators-l;
> people work on meta, then the team members check the translation and update
> content on the foundation wiki.
> g.
> [1]
> http://mail.wikimedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2006-August/008901.html
> [2]
> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Wikimedia:Babel#Miscellaneous
> --
> Guillaume Paumier
> Disciplus Simplex
> http://fr.wikipedia.org : Resistance is futile — You will be assimilated.

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