[Foundation-l] Derivatives of the official logos

Tisza Gergő tgergo at inf.elte.hu
Tue Aug 22 10:37:58 UTC 2006


what is the policy about the derivatives of the official Wikimedia 
project logos? Their license template, [[commons:Template:Copyright by 
Wikimedia]] does not make much sense: it refers to [[Wikimedia:Wikimedia 
visual identity guidelines]], which is about the Foundation logo, not 
the project logos. [[m:Uses of logo derivatives]], which is not finished 
yet, says "We can, theoretically, allow derivative works of the logos 
for informal uses, but it is not yet clear who should approve every 
derivative version." I suppose this is about off-project uses - 
requiring approval beyond community consensus for every derivative used 
in a Wikimedia project would be a horrible bureaucracy creep.

Can I assume, when creating license templates to logo derivatives in the 
Hungarian Wikipedia (which is my reason for asking this), that the final 
policy will be something sensible, like permission to create 
derivatives, provided they are only used in the Wikimedia projects, and 
their copyright is transferred to the Foundation?


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