[Foundation-l] Using someone's real name instead of his wikiname

Erik van den Muijzenberg muijz at wikipedia.be
Mon Aug 21 12:51:34 UTC 2006

"It is a normal problem with me. The heart takes over from the brain  
and the damage is done. -Waerth / Walter van Kalken" (1)
"Hello my name is Walter van Kalken also known as waerth." (2)

Apparently Walter van Kalken/Waerth is referring to me. He didn't  
contact me though, although he claims he did; he just pasted a  
vandalism-warning on my discussion-page, without substantiating his  

Waerth is bullying and insulting Dutch users for some years now, and  
I am one of the few users there who still dare to criticize his  
somewhat sociopathic behaviour. At first I considered Waerth as a  
friend though. In real life I even gave Walter van Kalken a tour in  
Amsterdam when he was visiting Holland a few years ago and I got the  
impression we both liked that very much.

But since I defended another Dutch user against heavy attacks by  
Waerth, I am bullied and insulted by Waerth as well. Waerth even went  
as far as to disclose on the Dutch wikipedia private information  
about me some months ago.
It comes as no surprise to me that he doesn't mention his own  
violations of the privacy of other users, but poses as the victim now.

Concerning his recent accusations: it is simply not true that I am  
*constantly* referring to him by using his real name. I am not gonna  
prove that though, because I don't have to prove my innocence -  
Walter van Kalken/Waerth is to prove that his accusations are correct.
And he better do that quickly, or withdraw his accusations quickly  
and stop accusing me, because I am fed up with it.

However, it is correct that I used his real name yesterday. Another  
user asked me if I could end the ongoing problems, by having a beer  
with Waerth. As drinking a beer takes place in the physical world, I  
referred in my answer to the human being 'Walter van Kalken', because  
to me 'Waerth' is only a persona in the virtual world.

The Dutch Wikipedia has an article 'Walter van Kalken' - see: http:// 
It's Google-NL's first hit for "walter van kalken waerth". Apart from  
that, Google-NL has at least 500 other hits for this combination.  
Tthe fact that 'Waerth' is the nickname of 'Walter van Kalken' is  
hardly private information anymore.
Walter van Kalken/Waerth even violated his own privacy, by using  
'waerth' as his handle on at least one wiki-mailinglist that is  
indexed by Google.

Best regards,
Erik van den Muijzenberg aka Muijz

List:       wikipedia-l
Subject:    [Wikipedia-l] my apologies
From:       Walter van Kalken <walter () vankalken ! net>
Date:       2005-07-06 18:32:57
Message-ID: 42CC23D9.7080207 () vankalken ! net


On 21-aug-2006, at 9:41, Walter van Kalken wrote:

> On the Dutch wikipedia there is a user who is constantly using my real
> name in discussions instead of my wikiname. Although my real name is
> widely known, I do not wish that it is used on the wiki in  
> discussions.
> One of the reasons is Google's indexing the other reason is my real  
> name
> is known only by people who have been on the wiki for a long time.
> I am using my wiki alternate name for a reason. I feel that this  
> user is
> violating my privacy by constantly using my real name instead of the
> name under which I edit. Is this a violation of our wiki privacy  
> policy?
> Waerth
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