[Foundation-l] (no subject)

Austin Hair adhair at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 07:12:11 UTC 2006

On 8/20/06, Scott Zager <archmagusrm at gmail.com> wrote:
> It might be helpful to send a quick message to the list when this type of
> instance occurs that just lets everybody know the response to the issue.  It
> both informs readers that the issue was handled and shows them more
> specifically what type of messages get moderated.

I fired off a brief note to the other list admins, of course; in the
future, people should assume that (i) spam is something that will get
you moderated, and (ii) we're on top of it.

We're pretty easygoing admins, and there's really no list policy to
worry about—this is a civilized forum for discussion, and the things
that force an admin to take action are generally things that any
reasonable person would consider bad.  See


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