[Foundation-l] Wikimania 2008 and reflecting on what Wikimania is all about

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Aug 17 20:31:58 UTC 2006

Brad Patrick wrote:

>The barrier to entry to edit in your pajamas is far different from the 
>barrier to entry of international travel for many, if not most, 
>contributors or admins.  We also skew heavily towards students.  The 
>difference among people from our different pockets of interest was 
>obvious from this year's conference, and our international delegations 
>were tiny.  We must do a much better job of international visitation, 
>scholarships, and the like.
The difference among people from our different pockets of interest is 
the difference in their pockets.  :-)   Sorry, I couldn't help it. :-P


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