[Foundation-l] Wikimania 2007 - get ready for the third edition.

Aphaia aphaia at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 04:18:50 UTC 2006

Sorry, I tried to save it then instead of sending ...  and failed to
include the most important part for me.

As translation coordinator, I would like to apologize all non native
English speakers who attended the past two conferences for your any
inconvinience, and deeply appreciate your patience, not uproaring
about it in public. To unignorable extent, it was my fault to fail to
pay full attention on both two conference, and I thank all of
translators who helped those two always. I wouldn't like to accuse
anyone, those who organized conferences, and at least for the latest,
I assure them most of participants enjoyed it greatly in general. But
as one of people who credited for those organization, I feel necessity
to confess my works weren't perfect, and guilty for your
inconvinience, if any.

Your comment, suggestion for improvement will be welcome,

Kizu Naoko
  Wikiquote: http://wikiquote.org
  * vivemus, mea Lesbia, amemus *

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