[Foundation-l] board candidacies

Jeff V. Merkey jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com
Wed Aug 16 16:53:02 UTC 2006

Jimmy Wales wrote:

>Michael R. Irwin wrote:
>>1.  The Wikimedia Foundation is not independent.  It has a stacked Board 
>>designed by Jimbo to allow him to maintain personal control.
>This is an insult to the board.

Adding two more seats will forever destroy this inaccurate and 
misleading perception. I have heard it from several
other folks who are external observers to the Wikipedia phenomena and 
its "urban legend" type of talk -- not based in fact --
and not based upon any emperical observations. I believe the root of the 
misperception is how the by laws are worded.
If it were me, I would appoint these two additional positions from the 
Foundations major financial contributors or foundations
supporting Wikipedia's fine work to balance out the various 
representation and views.


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