[Foundation-l] Please activate the English Wikiversity using whatever standard nomenclature accessible from the main portal page wikiversity.org

Cormac Lawler cormaggio at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 07:40:04 UTC 2006

On 8/16/06, Michael R. Irwin <michael_irwin at verizon.net> wrote:

> Brion,
> If you could please activate a  Wikiversity mailing list as previously
> discussed it will be useful in coordinating Wikiversity activities and
> encouraging immediate participation and useful policy formation.
> Further, if you could please activate the English namespace and make it
> accessible from a portal page similar to what has been done with
> Wikipedia it could get us off on a level playing field for everybody who
> chooses to participate or browse Wikiversity materials.
> This has the major advantage that all participants in all languages have
> an easy portal page and URL to publicize while encouraging useful
> participation from newcomers.
> I will attempt to get a language registration page accessible from the
> current Wikibooks Wikiversity main page setup to facilitate documenting
> ten language users who wish to move away from the beta site currently
> being established to a dedicated language site.
> Thanks for your efforts on our behalf.


The English Wikiversity was set up yesterday - see:

Also, there is now a mailing list you can sign up for:
http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikiversity-l (although
this is for some reason absent from the mailman main page).


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