[Foundation-l] board candidacies

Michael R. Irwin michael_irwin at verizon.net
Wed Aug 16 05:15:27 UTC 2006

geni wrote:

>On 8/13/06, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
>>There is nothing wrong with having some office staff. Of course, as we
>>scale up more remote workers will make sense... no one has argued
>Remote workers could result in you haveing assets within the
>juristiction of legal systems less friendly than the US.

The greatest majority of our "assets" are our volunteers who create the 
free information we distribute.  These are already distributed worldwide 
and should further distribute naturally as the use of the internet does.

Distributed assets will help keep the U.S. power brokers remain 
"friendly".   Grabbing servers to interrupt information flows percieved 
as irritating or dangerous to themselves, their agenda, or their sworn 
duties is a useless action if some of the servers are outside 
geographical boundaries where specific power can be applied.  In an 
efffectively distributed infrastructure any such misuse of specific 
power is merely free publicity unless local staff are injured.


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