[Foundation-l] Wikiversity

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 15 17:26:16 UTC 2006

--- Cormac Lawler <cormaggio at gmail.com> wrote:

> So, my parting thought is: What is that concept?
> What is Wikiversity's NPOV?
> Cormac

That is a very good way of looking at it.  Not all
Wikimedia projects should expect their content to
adhere to NPOV.  This is quite impossible at
Wikisource, of course.  WS's equivalent of NPOV is to
only include *complete* texts.  This prevents
contitrubutors from presenting an excerpt of a text
that may come across with a different bias than the
full text did originally.  This is the main thing that
has to watched for on polictical and religious works
at Wikisource.  There have been things which were
deleted for this reason, and it is an ongoing task to
be sure the sources of certain texts are the complete

As far as Wikiversity goes I am not sure what their
equivalent of NPOV or "Completeness" will be, but I 
think it can be found by looking at the same issues
that lead to biased articles at WP and excerpted texts
being put up on the internet.  If we can outline the
problems, then we may be able to form a policy that
works to counteract them.  

If someone wanted to research the orgins of Macedonian
Nationalism what problems would you expect to

Birgitte SB

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