[Foundation-l] Wikiversity

James Hare messedrocker at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 06:08:11 UTC 2006

I see... like a self-education sort of thing. Perhaps we could have people
skilled in certain areas assist people who have questions about the learning

Wikiversity would be a great place to try out stable/development versions,
too: you have the approved textbook that can be accredited, and you have the
development zone.

Sorry if I'm being very redundant here -- I came into the picture far too
late to try to catch up to any of the development discussion.

On 8/15/06, Jeffrey V. Merkey <jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com> wrote:
> Ray Saintonge wrote:
> >Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>Has anyone considered the possibility of actually instrumenting an
> >>online course of instruction (beyond creating the content) and applying
> >>for accredidation of the whole project and going after real funding?
> >>
> >>Jeff
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >What a frightening idea!  A helpful rule might be, "Wikiversity is not a
> >diploma mill."
> >
> >
> Not a diploma mill, accreditdation of the content and course materials,
> similiar to what college textbook publishers do.
> Jeff
> >Ec
> >
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