[Foundation-l] Emergency on Wiktionary

- Essjay - essjaywiki at gmail.com
Mon Aug 14 05:20:00 UTC 2006

On 8/9/06, Angela <beesley at gmail.com> wrote:
> This might just be a sign that new steward elections are required.
I've thought this since *at least* May, when I ran stats and found that Jon
Harald Soby was responsible for roughly 40% of all steward actions in April
& May. The fact that a good number of our stewards also hold other positions
(developer, Board, CFO, Office) makes it difficult for them to really be
active in the day-to-day steward work, though they definately have need for
the access. I'd like to see new steward elections very soon, though the
Board election may make that difficult.

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