[Foundation-l] board candidacies

Amgine amgine at saewyc.net
Sat Aug 12 23:02:28 UTC 2006

On 12-Aug-06, at 3:49 PM, Angela wrote:

> On 8/13/06, Anthony <wikilegal at inbox.org> wrote:
>> Looking at
>> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolution_OTRS, there has
>> apparently been a board resolution (as of May 26, 2006) to hire
>> someone to take care of this.  It's unclear to me whether or not
>> someone has yet been hired to do so.
> Someone was hired for this but she quit already. I don't know the
> exact details of why she left. I believe Brad was tasked with finding
> a replacement.
> Angela.

As I understand it, a replacement has already been found and has  
worked one day already.


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