[Foundation-l] board, babysitting, speaking engagements, etc.

Delphine Ménard notafishz at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 22:30:05 UTC 2006

On 8/12/06, Angela <beesley at gmail.com> wrote:

> What would it mean for a speaker to attend something *not* as an
> official representative? Perhaps guidelines on what people can do if
> they are/are not attending in that capacity are needed. It needs to be
> something more than just not keeping the money since there generally
> isn't any offered anyway.

I believe it is very simple, the signature on the speaker's
presentation would state:

"Mr Schmoll, ZabadumWiki" and not "Mr Schmoll, Wikimedia Foundation".
More over, advertisement about Mr Schmoll participating in the
conference would not mention their affiliation with the Wikimedia
Foundation other than in their bio, and Wikimedia would not be the
point of focus of their talk. This is in the case of someone like you
who has more than one affiliation about wikis, for example.

In the case you state about Mitch Kapor, he was surely invited as
Mitch Kapor talking about Wikipedia, and not a random wikipedian who
happened to be Mitch Kapor.


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