[Foundation-l] board candidacies

Brion Vibber brion at pobox.com
Sat Aug 12 18:37:36 UTC 2006

Anthony wrote:
> The biggest problem with using meta is that none of the standard tools
> work across wikis.  You don't get notifications of talk page changes
> on meta when you're hacking on Wikipedia, or Wikibooks.  The watchlist
> feature covers one project at a time, etc.
> This should have been fixed years ago.  It hasn't been.  Hopefully one
> of the achievements of the new board will be to integrate the projects
> better.

What you need to understand is that the Board of Directors doesn't run a web
site. The Board of Directors oversees a *company*, whose assets are a bunch of
web servers, the name and logo, and a traditional connection to the community.

The technical operations of the site are managed by several paid (me, Tim) and
volunteer (Jens, Mark, Domas, various others) programmers and system
administrators. But of course, who sets our priorities?

As the company gets more organized, we've got from a very amorphous situation to
a slightly more manageable one where there's actually an executive (currently
that's Brad). Brad's job is to be the boss and run the operations of the
company, within the parameters set by the board of directors. Sometimes this
involves setting priorities for me.

Integrated talk notification will come shortly after single login, which is
already my current top technical priority for implementation.

Don't waste your time bothering the board about it, but feel free to bother me
about it. :)

-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com / brion @ wikimedia.org)

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