[Foundation-l] board candidacies

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Sat Aug 12 14:23:01 UTC 2006

Anthere wrote:

> This has been the case for over 2 years now. Until last 
> december, I had a job and it was not an issue to use my own 
> savings. It has become an issue.

I have no easy solution for your individual case, but the 
situation is likely to be the same for every board member. One 
strategy to make the burden easier is to make it a routine to 
serve one or two years on the board and then leave.  This can 
sound like a recipe for chaos, always having beginners on the 
board.  But on the other hand, the board members would have an 
increasing number of former board members to consult.  Being a 
senior and acting as a mentor for new board members doesn't 
require time and money for travel or babysitting.  You can still 
travel and give speeches, if you wish, but there would be more 
candidates for each such task.  Board membership would not be a 
destination, but a place you pass through.

(Let me point out that I, LA2, have no position and no wish to 
have one within any Wikimedia project.  I never participate in 
wiki votes. This is not because I dislike Wikimedia, on the 
contrary, but because I want to remove any suspicion that I might 
have mixed interests with other projects where I'm involved.)

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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