[Foundation-l] board candidacies

James Hare messedrocker at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 00:48:12 UTC 2006

There could be partial reimbursements for cases like these.

On 8/11/06, Anthere <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Alison Wheeler wrote:
> > On Fri, August 11, 2006 21:43, Ray Saintonge wrote:
> >
> >>There is a clear distinction between paying a salary to a board member,
> >>and reimbursing him for out-of-pocket expenses.  The specific quote from
> >>Jimbo is "I have no interest in being paid."  I would not extrapolate
> >>from that comment an inference that no-one should be paid.  On the other
> >>hand paying the airfare for key people to travel halfway around the
> >>world is perfectly acceptable.
> >
> >
> > There is a test in the UK that the Inland Revenue (Taxation) use, which
> > basically tests an expenses payment as (I paraphrase) "was this cost
> > incurred wholly and directly as a result of an activity required by
> virtue
> > of the employment". This principle can be easily and clearly applied to
> > consideration of personal expenses in our situation; any costs in excess
> > of what the individual would have spent if they had not been carrying
> out
> > an activity on behalf od the Foundation is clearly covered.
> >
> > Conversely, I would *totally* disagree with
> >
> >>If someone wants to generously pay a board member to give a keynote
> >>speech that board member is entitled to keep it.  This is not a matter
> >>for our by-laws.
> >
> > If someone is given a speech *because* they are from the WMF and
> > *representing* the WMF at that presentation, then any fees received are
> > the 'income' of the WMF. Obviously, the costs involved with attending
> the
> > location to give that speech (which might include travel, hotel, etc)
> > would be payable by the WMF. One can't have it both ways (ie get a fee
> > *and* claim expenses)
> >
> > Alison Wheeler
> Yes
> BUT.
> The drawline is "being from the WMF" and "representing the WMF"
> It is somehow difficult to define when someone is giving speech because
> he is from the WMF and representing the WMF, when this person may also
> be giving the speech as the representant of another organisation (such
> as Wikia for example), or when this person may also be invited to give a
> speech just due to him being famous and having a good vision interesting
> people.
> If WMF, then WMF should pay the costs and receive the fee.
> If Wikia, then Wikia should pay the costs and receive the fee possibly.
> If "self", then speaker should pay the costs and speaker gets the fee.
> Sometimes, it is really hard to know.
> ant
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