[Foundation-l] board candidacies

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Fri Aug 11 10:36:13 UTC 2006

Walter van Kalken wrote:
>  I personally feel that one of the big issues is that people are
>  required to spend their own money for things.

Board members are not required to spend their own money for things.  I 
am unaware of any board member ever being turned down for reimbursement 
of any expenses.

>  This means that if you life outside of the US, even outside of
>  Florida that your costs will be prohibitively high. I personally find
>  that one of the most prohibitive requirements. Many people whom would
>  have the time and the enthousiasm do not have a bankaccount for that.
>  And that is one of the reasons I have a lot of respect for Angela and
>  Anthere. They are willing to spend their personal savings for the
>  betterment of the projects. People should realize that the next time
>  they start complaining with them.

Absolutely right!  They have not been required to spend their own money 
for things, but in many cases they have (as I have).


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