[Foundation-l] complaining to ISPs

geni geniice at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 01:39:43 UTC 2006

I've been putting together a complaint to send to Tiscali about one of
their subscribers breaching their TOS on wikipedia (may not work but
worth a try). The problem is that the person caused most of the
trouble they did while logged in. Thus checkuser is required to get
hold of the IPs. Releasing these IPs would require foundation
permission. Tiscali would also likely need to be able to contact the
foundation to confirm any claims. I believe this gives us three

I send Tiscali the email without IPs and with the foundation's contact
information. This is likely to archive nothing since Tiscali would
have to contact the foundation before starting an investigation

The foundation gives me the IPs. This would allow Tiscali to begin an
investigation but they would probably still have to contact the
foundation. This has the disadvantage that the foundation has to
release the IPs to me (even though I already know the range and
Tiscali IPs don't tell you much I can understand the foundation not
wanting to do this).

The foundation co opts my email and sends it itself. This allows it to
keep the IP data private and removes possible barriers. On the other
hand this could result in more work for the foundation.

I assume this situation will arise in future thus I am trying to start
a general discussion as well as seeking answers for this specific


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