[Foundation-l] Latest board resolutions

Anthony wikilegal at inbox.org
Tue Aug 1 19:19:28 UTC 2006

On 8/1/06, Robert Scott Horning <robert_horning at netzero.net> wrote:
> I'll also say that if you think the donations are fairly good right now
> to keep the server farm going, you ain't seen nothing compared to what a
> legal defense fund would be like if the WMF were directly challenged
> with a lawsuit based on Wikipedia content.  Confiscation of servers
> would cause an already huge defense fund to simply hire the best lawyers
> on the planet, like former solicitor generals and law school deans that
> money simply can't buy.
And just to point out what should be obvious, that would be a terrible
thing.  Millions of dollars pouring out of the pockets of Wikipedia
supporters and into the pockets of "the best lawyers on the planet",
would be a bad thing.


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