[Foundation-l] Re: Our exponentially increasing costs

Ashar Voultoiz hashar at altern.org
Mon Oct 31 18:58:21 UTC 2005

Dan Grey wrote:
> Isn't most of the server load from editing though? I thought display
> was handled mostly by squids - and I think I've heard people say that
> a static version of the site could be served by just a single squid
> instance or something...

I think most of the traffic comes from anonymous users browsing the
site. That traffic is most of the time served by squid unless the page
is not in the squids cache.

Any logged in people directly hit the apaches (that's why some people
complain that their wiki is slow while the others are fast, just cause
they are not logged on other wikis :p).

Tim Starling is working on a tool that dump static html pages (I have
seen the result with my local installation and it looks complete). So
eventually we could serve anonymous users an 'outdated' version of
pages, and refresh that once per day. The apaches will then only used
for logged users.

There is also ESI caching promised in squid 3 (although squid 3 might
never come out). It is able to cache only a part of a page (aka the
text) and mix it with dynamic content (customized toolbars, skin stuff).
That could boost our performances too but that's long term.


Ashar Voultoiz - WP++++
IM: hashar at jabber.org  ICQ: 15325080

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