[Foundation-l] Re: [Wikitech-l] Re: [Fwd: Kennisnet will underwrite/pay for the creation of Wikidata and the Ultimate wiktionary]

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 00:11:07 UTC 2005

All discussion on the WikiData proposal is explicitly welcome. When you 
are interested in cooperating in the development of WikiData, you are 
more than welcome to do so. With the details of the RFC you find the 
likely timetable will be. When you are interested in helping in the 
development of the project you are more than welcome.

The part where the GEMET database will be implemented in the Mediawiki 
software is included because the design and the data of this database 
can both be used based on the GEMET data that can be found here: 
http://www.eionet.eu.int/GEMET. This is a big important body of work  
and already has data in 20 languages, it will allow us to add content in 
any and all other languages and it is included because it will give us 
the opportunity to experiment with the user interface. The current GEMET 
database does have XML data available and we are hopefull that we will 
find people willing to help with an XML import and export module.

The development as outlined in the plan is what will be done. With more 
people working on the project we will be able to get better 
functionality. It is a project that is part of the Mediawiki environment 
and as such it is open for colaboration.

By not commenting before the deadline the project will start on the 
given date. By commenting before the deadline the project may start a 
week later if the comments make this a necessity. At all times comments 
are invited.


Jonathan Leybovich wrote:

> Hi All-
> I was wondering what the proper channel would be for voicing 
> suggestions/comments about the technical design of the WikiData 
> project.  I guess this would be the WikiData discussion page on Meta, 
> but this has not been updated in a while and I wanted to make a few 
> comments before the Ultimate Wiktionary deadline.
> Also, how will development work be coordinated?  The Ultimate 
> Wiktionary project page implies Eric will be doing all the 
> development, and though I am happy to follow his lead (as well as let 
> him claim the  contract ;) I would like to help with development as I 
> am preparing a project proposal that will have WikiData functionality 
> as a prerequisite.  Thanks.
> Gerard Meijssen wrote:
>> Hoi,
>> I am very happy to announce that Kennisnet is willing to 
>> underwrite/pay for the creation of wikidata and the ultimate 
>> wiktionary. This will allow us to host relational data within a 
>> Mediawiki environment. Wikidata will particularly enhance projects 
>> like Wikispecies and Wiktionary where a lot of the relevant data is 
>> relational in nature. The details of this project can be found here: 
>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/RfP_Wikidata_and_Ultimate_Wiktionary
>> Thanks, :)
>>   GerardM 

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