[Foundation-l] Re: wikibreak

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 11 18:27:31 UTC 2005

Christopher Mahan a écrit:
> --- Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:

> And so you know, my wife is now 5.5 months pregnant, so I do know
> what I'm talking about. 

Glad for you Chris :-)

Yeah, these are strange times. For my two first kids, I was not working 
and spent all days just ... euh... doing what actually ? Hmmm, getting 
informed by others, swimming, trying to prepare myself...
But after the birth of the second, I felt like my brain was dying from 
lack of activity. Just being with other non working young moms, and with 
babies who do not even talk, your brain begins to crumble, and you 
wonder why on Earth you ever received an education. It is so easy to let 
oneself slip. Turn one self only toward family duties, cleaning, 
ironing, cooking, sleeping, chatting. Just duties. Passive activities.

These days, I work too much, I do not take enough rest. But it is 
important for me to not turn entirely inside and to stick to outside 
world. Not sure everyone can understand that. A balance Wikipedia helps 
keeping :-)

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