[Foundation-l] Interwiki Cooperation; NSK

Jens Ropers ropers at ropersonline.com
Wed Oct 27 21:06:48 UTC 2004

On 27 Oct 2004, at 20:26, Ray Saintonge wrote:

> Jens Ropers wrote:
>> 3. You suspect that people dislike you and that they do so because  
>> they somehow don't want you to have your own wikis.
>> Lemme put it like this:
>> Imagine some person travelled to the U.S. Now imagine that it turns  
>> out that that person didn't actually come as an immigrant, and didn't  
>> come to settle in and become a citizen of the country but rather  
>> proceeded to lecture the citizens of the U.S. that the Declaration of  
>> Independence and all these old handwritten papers were fundamentally  
>> unimportant because all men are not created equal and actually,  
>> certain people are per se inferior and not to be trusted and it is ok  
>> to rape and murder them and plunder their houses, whereas others are  
>> really not to be blamed of anything of any consequence, whatever  
>> happens and, err... actually...
> To put this more starkly:  Imagine visiting a country that has a known  
> reputation for human rights violation.  You meet with a small group of  
> people and the conversation turns to the human rights situation where  
> you have tremendous ideas about what THEY can do to improve things.   
> Some of the group show a great deal of enthusiasm about your  
> proposals.  After the conversation ends you go to the airport and  
> home.  You later receive a message that one of the people in the group  
> was an incognito agent for the government who subsequently arranged  
> for the arrest and re-education of some of the group.  What  
> responsibility would you accept for that situation?
> Ec

I guess I see what you're saying there "having a stake in the outcome".  
And morally, yea, I maybe should accept some responsibility then but  
the stark reality there is that it really wouldn't matter whether or  
not I felt bad in the said scenario, because my attitude would pretty  
much have zilch impact on the other's predicament. Again, the question  
of having or not having a stake in the outcome is what it runs down to.
Anyway, I don't really want to pursue this particular thread further,  
because it concerns point (3) of this email:  
001375.html -- which was really just something that veered off into an  
ironic aside.

-- ropers [[en:User:Ropers]]

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