[Foundation-l] Re: [WikiEN-l] Despite growing pains, users hope for dominance of Wiktionary, Mediawiki

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 26 17:22:30 UTC 2004

--- Erik Moeller <erik_moeller at gmx.de> wrote:
> I'll use this as an opportunity to promote again the help effort on Meta:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Contents

While our documentation isn't great yet, I think it is pretty darn good now and
was a bit surprised by the recent article that bashed it. I think the real
issue is that our documentation is   

1) kinda hard to find and 
2) only hosted on a Wikimedia website (he mentioned that he had to copy and
paste material to the wiki he set-up).

So what we need is for each version of MediaWiki to come with its own version
of the documentation in the help: namespace. Most of these pages would be
static and replaced with a new version the next time that person upgrades. This
would require the creation of a process by which new static versions are
generated from the development version on Meta. But other open source projects
have to deal with that already - why not us? 

The only issue I see is licensing since the FDL and GPL and not compatible. But
if the FDL material were already in a MySQL database and downloaded as such,
then I don't see much of an issue. 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav) 

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