[Foundation-l] wikinews and other stuff
Erik Moeller
erik_moeller at gmx.de
Sat Oct 16 05:29:00 UTC 2004
> I see Wikimedia Commons as being more of a repository, while Wikisource
> is more of a general text-document-oriented site that isn't merely a
> dumping ground for documents, but also organizes them, translates them,
> annotates them, and so on. It's not clear how the proposed translation
> project would fit in at the Commons, for example.
This is a very logical distinction at the present time, because we haven't
really put much effort into "wikifying" anything beyond text. There are a
few things which can open up this horizon though:
* SVG support, which is currently in CVS, makes it relatively easy to
create translations of vector graphics like maps and diagrames.
* The various extensions like timelines and Wikitex (not to be confused
with the current math support) can also be openly edited.
* It is possible, with a helper application, to add support for arbitrary
external applications to edit all media types and upload them back to the
server. Zope has this already:
* It is desirable to have an easy way to overlay bitmap images with
textual explanations. Perhaps SVG can help here. Similarly, we will want
to make it easy to create image maps.
Thus, the distinction between Wikisource and WikiCommons will erode
further, as we will do many of the same things with images, sound and
video that the Wikisource community is doing with text.
The other side is that we will also want to make it possible to transclude
textual content in the Wikimedia projects, e.g., "show me the first
paragraph of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the English
version". This means that Wikisource will be used in a manner that is very
similar to the Wikimedia Commons, i.e. to enrich other Wikimedia content.
Given this overlap, I will launch a merge initiative when the time is
right (unless someone else does).
That being said, we should absolutely, 100% launch a systematic effort to
translate Wikisource materials. Free content translations are very hard to
come by. Perhaps, through this, we can also entice people to put their
content under a free license (provided the content is valuable to us).
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